Friday, August 2, 2024

The Pervy Pirates of SecondLife

 Ahoy, matey! Join The Pervy Pirates for epic adventures, no drama, just swashbucklin' fun on the high seas! Arrr!

Contact Shayna Korobase for invite.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

I'm Back!

 It's been a few years since I posted on my blog and for that I apologize. I took to flickr for a more visual representation of my art but have found that if I have something to say that this medium is preferred. 

In that time I have been posting a TON of my avatar creations using SPANKED skins on my flickr. It's been a blast exploring all the possibilities! I've also released a bunch of new skins.... here's a few of the new ones. 

Come visit me at SPANKED Skins

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Unreasonable Customers

 As a content creator in Secondlife for over a decade now I have had the occasional dissatisfied customer and I always do my best to help any way I can. When ever possible I have done custom fix jobs for polite customers when they pointed out something that I missed. Skin making is tricky business and imperfections are bound to happen. That is why I offer my newer "Economy" Skins at the low price of only 250L's. However some times ..... most of the time...... an issue is not with my skin but with the user. 

So over the last two days I had to deal with a customer who for this article we will call Karen. See what I did there? ;)  lol

So Karen contacted me asking if my skin was BoM and if it would work with the Amasonia body by SKING. I replied that all my skins are BoM because.... they are.... and that it works just fine. I thought that was the end of it until the other day when she sent a few pictures of herself wearing my SPANKED Bianca muscle skin on the Amasonia 2.0 body and complained there was an issue between how it looked with the Omega applier vs BoM layer. I could see clearly in her picture there was a difference and thought maybe I missed something. 

So I went to my workshop to compare the omega applier to BoM..... but found no issues. So I created four folders. Two for Sking Amasonia and two for Maitreya. For each type of body I had one that was BoM and one that was omega only. And for the Amasonia body I also compared the 2018 version to the 2.0. I tested my Omega appliers to my BoM layers and found no issues with my skin ...... zero..... none. Hmmmm... what's the problem?

So I looked carefully and the only thing I could see was that the mesh for the Amasonia 2018 and 2.0 were different..... clearly different. I also noticed that the 2.0 version had a color tone set on it that came as default which is easily fixed by putting on the SKING hud and resetting the RGB to normal pure white. Problem solved right? Nope..... not for Karen. 

So after carefully explaining, showing photos and offering the findings to Karen she insisted that it wouldn't fix anything and that I should include my skin as a tattoo layer to fix the issue. She kept pestering and pestering to the point where now matter how much I explained it to her she just wasn't having it. So I finally had to block her knowing full well she'd give me a bad review..... and I was right.

 And that is why I document everything. Now I can not share the private IM as that would be a violation of SL-TOS but I can share the photos of my experiments and findings. Below you can see my SPANKED Bianca Muscle skin both applied with omega and BoM. You can also see how although the SKING body has clearly a different mesh that my skin only changes slightly..... because of the body. Also take note as advertised on my Marketplace store that my muscle skin is a subtle contouring and not a roided vein popping skin. 

So the moral of the story is that if you are a content creator in SecondLife you are bound to run across a Karen. But the good news is they are rare. In my 10+ years selling I have only dealt with a tiny handful. For the rest of my customers I will continue to create for you. Thank you for all your support and good reviews. I love you!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

SPANKED Inworld Store


It's been a little while since I had an inworld store but due to requests from lovely customers I decided to reopen SPANKED on the grid. 

I also realize that I have not been keeping up with updates on this blog. I have so many things to blog about so I will do my best to keep you all up to date on happenings in my SL. Loads of new skins, customer talks and more. 

Hope you all have a Merry xXxMas ;)

Check out the new SPANKED inworld store here: SPANKED SLURL

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Second Life Chronicles: Charging for Updates?!

Ever since the introduction of mesh to Second Life creators have been working tirelessly to bring the very best of mesh bodies, heads and body parts to SL. However as a result of their work they are constantly improving upon their products and in most cases charging quite a hefty sum.

Now I don't mind shelling out hard earned $L's for great product. In fact in the early days of mesh I paid over $3,000L for a mesh head and at the time it was the best in Second Life. However, a few years later that exact same head....... same EVERYTHING, even down to the name was upgraded to smoother mesh and more refined lines. Now you'd think that this 2.0 version of the product would be a free update to those who already paid the 3k+ fee for the original but no...... they called it a "new" product and charged full price for it.  I of course did not buy the upgraded/updated version and never wore the original again. As a person who posts literally hundreds of photos online of my various avatar looks you won't see a single photo or mention of that product or its designer. Their loss.

I have seen the same in a few bodies as well. Same old story..... you pay several thousand L's for a body and shortly after they release an update and charge for it. This is not good customer support. And as before I eventually stop supporting that designer.

Now there are some designers that 100% support their product no matter how many times they upgrade them. Maitreya, Slink, Catwa and more. They charge allot for superior product but they also update for life. Because of this integrity these designers have loyal customers who come back for anything new they release and are quick to tell all their friends about how much they love their products. These creators understand the value of their customers.

Now I know this may come off as complaining and if you think that.... you're correct. I am indeed complaining. I work hard for my money both in SL and RL. If I buy an expensive product like a mesh body or head I expect the designer to stand behind their product 100%. If they design a product, charge allot for it, get other designers to create mesh clothing for it which we buy only to shortly after change the product slightly along with all the clothing and addons that come with it then we as the customers are stuck with a product that no longer gets any support. That's the point.

So before laying down a large sum for that next mesh body, head or addon... pause a moment. Do some due diligence and see if they offer life time support of that product. If they have a history of upgrading then charging for it..... reconsider your purchase. In the end it is our money that does the the loudest talking to these types of content creators.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

SPANKED Mitsu Femboy Skin

The Mitsu Femboy Skin is part of a new SPANKED Economy line of skins. All the quality at a fraction of the price. It works with all Omega Applier ready products like Maitreya, Slink, Sking, Belleza, Catya, Lelutka and more.
Included in this pack:
1 Skin with Brows
1 Skin without Brows
1 Skin with Nipples
1 Skin without Nipples
Omega Body and face appliers
This skin can be found on my marketplace store at:

Monday, September 16, 2019

New Muscle from SPANKED

The Muscle Skins are part of a new SPANKED Economy line of skins. All the quality at a fraction of the price. It works with all Omega Applier ready products like Maitreya, Slink, Sking Amasonia muscle body, Belleza, Catya, Lelutka and more. 
This skin is for those who want a subtle and smooth muscle definition without the vein popping steroid look. Look for them on the SPANKED Second Life MarketPlace store.