A few weeks ago while attending a party at Bosom Buddies and getting my Ozzy fill from the worlds greatest DJ, someone caught my eye dancing on the stage. That someone... was Jennifur Vultee... owner and creator of Bad Kitty and C-Owner of Bosom Buddies. In case you don't know, Jennifur is a pioneer in the busty community and was one of the first designers I went to when I first started wearing implants. She is a multi-talented designer and her attention to detail shines through in every product. No wonder she has such a large and loyal following.
But what caught my eye? I have partied at this club many times and normally say my hellos and do a little perv-cammin' then go back to listening to the spins and dance the night way. But on this very night there was something different about her...... HER BREASTS!!
Now this is funny to say about a busty designer with huge knockers. Of course you look at her breasts. But in a room filled with heavy chested ladies what made her so different that I couldn't take my eyes off her? The answer was the new and not yet released Essentials! A new breast implant from Jennifur Vultee and TammyTgurl Umaga that is sure to take SL by storm.
I contacted her via IM and was given the 411. At the time they were in beta and being prepped for final release. I told Jen to contact me ASAP so I can be the first customer of these unique and original design implants.
Well last night I got them! I tore into the package of my brand new "Tammy" implants, made a copy then put them on. They fit perfectly. Next step was skinning them. Now as you know I make my own skins and my test for these implants as a content creator was "how easy can I texture them?" Well the answer to that question was.... less then 10 minutes! Jennifur included a link where you can get the PDF files. To my knowledge only about 3 other implant designers do this. Thanks Jen :)
These implants look fantastic! But is that enough? Well for some yes but for me..... what can they do? In comes the talented script work of TammyTgurl Umaga! The implants are VERY low lag and why?... very VERY few scripts! But in the past when you come across implants with only a few scripts you end up sacrificing features. But that's not the case here... these implants are feature packed and more to come in the near future. Brava TammyTgurl you said you'd do it and you did!
If you are a fan of implants then you MUST add both the Essentials Tammy and Katie implants to your collection. You'll be glad you did. For me I give them 5 stars or 2 thumbs up..... actually scratch that... these implants get TWO NIPS UP... WAY UP!
If you'd like to see the full and uncensored pictorial of me and my new implants... go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/61904960@N04/sets/72157628851293347/
For more information on these exciting new implants visit http://maggiebluxome.com/new-breasts-essentials